Shoot The Breeze

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So if I'm a CPC-IT with 7 dues paying years in I don't get an opinion because I'm a trainee at this moment? Man that is some boomer ass shit.

I'm quickly approaching year 3 at my mid level up down and even without covid I'm a fucking year out from sniffing the seat of a radar position if I'm lucky, let alone certifying.

So tell me more about sucking it up big boss
Now you’re putting words in my Boomer ass mouth. Here’s a PERSONAL apology since I clearly offended you and was INSENSITIVE to your situation. I’m sorry.

Training situations are unique. I was a CPC-IT at my current 10, coming from an 11. On day 1 I was handed a training plan of a new hire, I was told it was because I didn’t come from an ERAM facility or have high terrain. I didn’t sign it and got chewed out by the training manager. Well, I spoke up and went to my local NATCA. Training plan fixed and I gave her a big ol smile. 5 months upstairs to do maps and a mere 15 radar problems. 2 months to certify on 7 sectors. Most CPC-IT’s were taking 2-3 years. I’m assuming some of these trainees on this forum have been at this facility over a year without seeing the floor (pre-Corona). Hell, I pushed to have my CPC-IT’s radar lab bypassed during the shutdown, YES, a transfer from a 10 went D school and was scheduled for R school. He checked out 4-5 months later. Sometimes you have to put pressure on the agency/NATCA to get what you want/need, I’m not saying you didn’t do this but every situation is unique.
Should have grabbed some popcorn before I read this. Anyways saying it sucked in my day so suck it up is the stupidest shit ever. Strive for change, thinking people are entitled for wanting to progress their careers and can’t is mind boggling. I really don’t get how some people lack this much empathy for other people.
On the bright side most of y’all will pass your probationary period having never talked to a real plane.
I passed probation barely even sitting on my first d-side to train and that was lucky compared to some of my academy classmates.
I passed probation barely even sitting on my first d-side to train and that was lucky compared to some of my academy classmates.
I was set to start d class at 10 months then I got the 4 months gov shutdown training delay. ?
Training situations are unique. I was a CPC-IT at my current 10, coming from an 11. On day 1 I was handed a training plan of a new hire, I was told it was because I didn’t come from an ERAM facility or have high terrain. I didn’t sign it and got chewed out by the training manager. Well, I spoke up and went to my local NATCA. Training plan fixed and I gave her a big ol smile. 5 months upstairs to do maps and a mere 15 radar problems. 2 months to certify on 7 sectors. Most CPC-IT’s were taking 2-3 years. I’m assuming some of these trainees on this forum have been at this facility over a year without seeing the floor (pre-Corona). Hell, I pushed to have my CPC-IT’s radar lab bypassed during the shutdown, YES, a transfer from a 10 went D school and was scheduled for R school. He checked out 4-5 months later. Sometimes you have to put pressure on the agency/NATCA to get what you want/need, I’m not saying you didn’t do this but every situation is unique.

Huh? Man things changed. I went from a 12 to ZDV. I never worked ERAM, or low altitude, or mountains. I got open books maps, 2 radar problems in the lab for eram and went to the floor. I did get to work one low altitude problem as a D side with another transfer, that was funny shit. Didn't matter. I got checked out at mins on everything, maybe an extra 10 hours on the low shit, then realized the place sucked and ERR'd the fuck out. I gave my last trainee my ERR packet when he was on his last sector and he got out the same time I did.
I was set to start d class at 10 months then I got the 4 months gov shutdown training delay. ?
We were on sim problems, then the shutdown happened, and we had to restart them all over. 2 months down the drain for nonsense.
We were on sim problems, then the shutdown happened, and we had to restart them all over. 2 months down the drain for nonsense.
Yah 2 months shutdown for us. Then 2 month of well we just got back let us spool up the training department for 8 weeks
Huh? Man things changed. I went from a 12 to ZDV. I never worked ERAM, or low altitude, or mountains. I got open books maps, 2 radar problems in the lab for eram and went to the floor. I did get to work one low altitude problem as a D side with another transfer, that was funny shit. Didn't matter. I got checked out at mins on everything, maybe an extra 10 hours on the low shit, then realized the place sucked and ERR'd the fuck out. I gave my last trainee my ERR packet when he was on his last sector and he got out the same time I did.
That was 2014. I made a push to change their mentality because it’s kind of ridiculous to have CPC-IT’s taking 2 years to check out. Especially from like facilities. All that did was bog down the new hires even further. Training manager #2 fixed the problems. Training manager manager #3 re-created the old problems. Training manager #2 is back again and took over late last year.
Now you’re putting words in my Boomer ass mouth. Here’s a PERSONAL apology since I clearly offended you and was INSENSITIVE to your situation. I’m sorry.

Training situations are unique. I was a CPC-IT at my current 10, coming from an 11. On day 1 I was handed a training plan of a new hire, I was told it was because I didn’t come from an ERAM facility or have high terrain. I didn’t sign it and got chewed out by the training manager. Well, I spoke up and went to my local NATCA. Training plan fixed and I gave her a big ol smile. 5 months upstairs to do maps and a mere 15 radar problems. 2 months to certify on 7 sectors. Most CPC-IT’s were taking 2-3 years. I’m assuming some of these trainees on this forum have been at this facility over a year without seeing the floor (pre-Corona). Hell, I pushed to have my CPC-IT’s radar lab bypassed during the shutdown, YES, a transfer from a 10 went D school and was scheduled for R school. He checked out 4-5 months later. Sometimes you have to put pressure on the agency/NATCA to get what you want/need, I’m not saying you didn’t do this but every situation is unique.
I mean judging by your random capitalization, you feel like I think you owe me some sort of apology. Hate to burst your bubble brah, but frankly I don't care what you think or say, random internet guy, nor does our sample size of 1 anecdotal "here's what I do for my trainees" help what is a nationwide training culture problem, exacerbating the nationwide staffing issue.

Old school "this is how we always did it" solutions obviously aren't working, time for new ones, and thats not on me, as a trainee and employee it's on the agency and NATCA national to implement a plan, and any failure to do so is a failure on their part. Speaking up only gets you so far, especially in the shitty toxic culture thay is prevalent throughout the agency and union against people speaking out.

So maybe I should be APOLOGIZING to you INSTEAD for being INSENSITIVE to your boomer sensibilities.
That was 2014. I made a push to change their mentality because it’s kind of ridiculous to have CPC-IT’s taking 2 years to check out. Especially from like facilities. All that did was bog down the new hires even further. Training manager #2 fixed the problems. Training manager manager #3 re-created the old problems. Training manager #2 is back again and took over late last year.

well there were those transfers from San Juan....
I mean judging by your random capitalization, you feel like I think you owe me some sort of apology. Hate to burst your bubble brah, but frankly I don't care what you think or say, random internet guy, nor does our sample size of 1 anecdotal "here's what I do for my trainees" help what is a nationwide training culture problem, exacerbating the nationwide staffing issue.

Old school "this is how we always did it" solutions obviously aren't working, time for new ones, and thats not on me, as a trainee and employee it's on the agency and NATCA national to implement a plan, and any failure to do so is a failure on their part. Speaking up only gets you so far, especially in the shitty toxic culture thay is prevalent throughout the agency and union against people speaking out.

So maybe I should be APOLOGIZING to you INSTEAD for being INSENSITIVE to your boomer sensibilities.
Apology acceptrd
Yah 2 months shutdown for us. Then 2 month of well we just got back let us spool up the training department for 8 weeks
Streamlining the process should be a priority in our careers. Ya it’s absolutely sucks all the unforeseen delays we’ve had to go through, but the only thing we can do is make it better for the next line of trainees. I don’t want to be that controller that makes the trainee’s lives harder because we went through some act of God shit.
Serious question, what’s a boomer?
A boomer is someone, usually older but not necessarily an actual baby boomer, that is insufferably obtuse and close minded. Usually displays curmudgeonly behavior

The back in my day mentality is something a lot of boomers parrot, as well as the word entitlement because if the new guys aren't getting bent over like you did back in the day then they're entitled

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."


Basically the boomer mentality has been going on for thousands of years. Even I have begun to display boomer like tendencies towards people 10+ years younger than me, but then I catch myself because I know what it's like to be in their shoes and have to listen to that nonsense

Every generation talks shit about the ones that come after it. The silent generation talked shit about the boomers and the counterculture movement, boomers talk shit about millennials, some millennials talk shit about gen z. It's definitely fun sometimes but I wouldn't let it go beyond a joke, otherwise you're being a boomer
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