Shoot The Breeze

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I always thought twins would be better cus you can drive them to the same events and schools and minimize your time
Yeah if you have twins your lucky. It’s so much better though. Not only do you have one baby to feed, but two! And then if one wake up in the middle of the night screaming, the other one joins in.
Yeah if you have twins your lucky. It’s so much better though. Not only do you have one baby to feed, but two! And then if one wake up in the middle of the night screaming, the other one joins in.
Yeah but do you get 6 months of paid leave? I mean technically you get 3 months per the birth of a child and you get a year to use it right?
Wife and I just brought home a puppy 3 weeks ago. After day 3 we looked at each other and said we were so glad we decided years ago kids aren't for us.

Don't know how all you crazy bastards handle one, let alone think having another is a great idea.

Going Crazy Will Ferrell GIF
Wife and I just brought home a puppy 3 weeks ago. After day 3 we looked at each other and said we were so glad we decided years ago kids aren't for us.

Don't know how all you crazy bastards handle one, let alone think having another is a great idea.

Going Crazy Will Ferrell GIF
It definitely takes some adjustments to your lifestyle, and I miss the free time and disposable income, but parenting is pretty awesome too. I've never been a big fan of children but mine is pretty rad, I enjoy the hell out of being a dad.

Although wife is already talking about all the things we will do different "next time" and when I mention donating stuff we are done with or kid has outgrown she's all like "no we should keep it so we don't have to buy it again" and I'm like hey hold up here a second....
It definitely takes some adjustments to your lifestyle, and I miss the free time and disposable income, but parenting is pretty awesome too. I've never been a big fan of children but mine is pretty rad, I enjoy the hell out of being a dad.

Although wife is already talking about all the things we will do different "next time" and when I mention donating stuff we are done with or kid has outgrown she's all like "no we should keep it so we don't have to buy it again" and I'm like hey hold up here a second....
Being a dad is so much fun. We love all the things that come from parenting. Yeah poop diapers suck, but it’s a great time. I will say we wish we did more traveling before kids but hell I’ll retire at 50 and we can travel then. Kids better be out of the house by then. That’s the goal. Get them out by 50 and we are set to travel a bit before grandkids. If we have any.
Being a dad is so much fun. We love all the things that come from parenting. Yeah poop diapers suck, but it’s a great time. I will say we wish we did more traveling before kids but hell I’ll retire at 50 and we can travel then. Kids better be out of the house by then. That’s the goal. Get them out by 50 and we are set to travel a bit before grandkids. If we have any.
We've done a couple long road trips that give me hope flying isn't gonna be too big a disaster. That's another reason I'm cool with 1 as of now seems like travel is still doable.
Im 2 weeks from D Day and probably naively excited as hell.
SLEEP NOW. Seriously. Took us about 4 months to get to the point of having a somewhat regular sleep schedule again.
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