July 2020

I’m referring to the CSG selection, but why we are at it... Where in the hell is RVS and why does a tower person get selected at a HIGH LEVEL TRACON versus other qualified people?!?

Then how do you feel about high level non tracon controllers? lol. I see your point.

Then again, maybe This is why higher level facilities need some sort of screen.

also, I am pretty sure some of the center people see their selections and go oh great, a tower person who has to start from scratch, or they see a center transfer and think ooh, they should get done quick, wait, what if they are senior to me???? Then again, I have seen OTS people beat a center transfer to CPC....
Hell, at this point, put in for A80 and I’ll train you. We can start on the approach wall. Sink or swim baby!
Why would I ever want to live in Atlanta. I’m not ever going to fault someone for going where they want to live after the faa just placed them in the middle of nowhere
The arc of the NCEPT thread always ends with people shitting on the selections. Hate the game, not the players y’all.
Why not hate both?!? So many people fail out of places, drop to a lower facility, and then live the ‘Mercian dream and get that level 12 pay while they sit around for four years and don’t certify. Just live one pandemic to the next!
Why would I ever want to live in Atlanta. I’m not ever going to fault someone for going where they want to live after the faa just placed them in the middle of nowhere
Technically, it’s 45 minutes south of Atlanta. The weather is nice, the cost of living is cheap, you work lots of airplanes, et cetera. Few places are better, if you’re willing to put in the effort to work hard. We don’t have that Houston Locality or Chicago CIP, but it isn’t bad.
The “C” in NCEPT must mean contempt, because that’s all I have towards it and it’s users.
Lol I’m sure, however, this time it‘s true, I swear it, scouts honor.
I’ve been told I was ranked top and “what a weird outcome!”, but the NCEPT Union rep told me the actual story and where I was ranked. Lying ATMs/FacReps man. I don’t understand what is so hard with just saying “We’ll keep you in mind as we look through the applicants”.
I'm with Robertb... There is nothing more frustrating than having your facility select someone and then having to send then to Oklahoma City for classes for two months because they don't even have radar experience. But to the FAA it's all a numbers game and they don't care. At least for awhile A80 got to pull a bud and actually select who they want... You're just catching up to the rest of the tracons now with your VFR tower selections.
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