2024 NATCA President Election

I didn’t say be happy about it. People were actively doing anything they could to get out of work constantly during covid. No one knew what was going on. There was no playbook. Most of you all were getting 5 covid jabs to be “safe” and bullying other people to go along with it . Don’t come at me about the Covid shit
I’m not sure they got screwed over. They got paid to sit at home and have a second job if they wanted. NAVCANADA laid all their devs off. So comparably they had it really good.
Your comment was directed at trainees apparently not getting screwed over during the excessively long training delay for “the safety of the NAS.” It had nothing to do with how CPCs were trying to get out of work or Covid jabs.

On a side note that’s actually rather ironic. NATCAs support for training delays have now actually contributed to a legitimate safety issue within the NAS. Not that they’d ever own up to that fact.
Your comment was directed at trainees apparently not getting screwed over during the excessively long training delay for “the safety of the NAS.” It had nothing to do with how CPCs were trying to get out of work or Covid jabs.

On a side note that’s actually rather ironic. NATCAs support for training delays have now actually contributed to a legitimate safety issue within the NAS. Not that they’d ever own up to that fact.
It was very telling how quickly the academy reopened but the facilities delays continued for another year. One group is BUE and one isn’t. Interesting stuff
It would also forcibly remove experienced leadership. Which is probably the reason why it’s never passed. But if they knew they were done after X years they’d have to be grooming a replacement. Probably a good thing. But the mob would also just bitch about the chosen prince.

If they don’t make a positive impact they should get voted out.

Doesn’t the election do this?

If Nick is Rinaldis protege why did they let Rich rule unopposed? Also this list of advantages also kind of sounds like “experience”. Something that this website is strangely numb to but its a real thing with real implications.

This one’s completely absurd. Donations are voluntary. You’re just advocating for virtual campaigning. Just garbage propaganda videos and curated questions. Accountability is achieved face to face. Anyone can bullshit on a camera.
1) Experienced leadership needs to be rotated out to prevent the very corruption that inevitably takes hold of any organization, I mean... look at Congress.

2) Rinaldi said the same thing, just vote us out, but what happened was a "cult of personality" began where Paul and Trish could do no wrong. Any form of opposition was immediate exile and barring from all union activities.

3) It absolutely should, but it has become more of a popularity contest in recent years

4) Absurdity depends on your perspective (as all things), I am not advocating for a virtual campaign, instead I want to see candidates going out on their own dime and time to campaign. Taking donations would beholden you to the donors, but I agree with you, there needs to be face to face accountability and perhaps a decent compromise would be donations only from active members.
Your comment was directed at trainees apparently not getting screwed over during the excessively long training delay for “the safety of the NAS.” It had nothing to do with how CPCs were trying to get out of work or Covid jabs.

On a side note that’s actually rather ironic. NATCAs support for training delays have now actually contributed to a legitimate safety issue within the NAS. Not that they’d ever own up to that fact.
Trainees in the FAA didn’t get screwed over when you compare them to their counterparts in Canada working for NAVCANADA.
Trainees in the FAA didn’t get screwed over when you compare them to their counterparts in Canada working for NAVCANADA.
Ridiculous argument and comparing apples and oranges. Just because someone somewhere on earth might have had a worse situation doesn’t make it ok. That’s like telling someone who was paralyzed in a car wreck “well at least you didn’t die.”
Ridiculous argument and comparing apples and oranges. Just because someone somewhere on earth might have had a worse situation doesn’t make it ok. That’s like telling someone who was paralyzed in a car wreck “well at least you didn’t die.”
Never said it was ok either. It’s pretty hard to train when facilities are combined to one position, and there’s no traffic. Then you check out people with zero skills and end up where people say the covid checkouts are terrible. Oh wait 🤔

Just like people compare pilot pay to atc pay. Apples to oranges
It was very telling how quickly the academy reopened but the facilities delays continued for another year. One group is BUE and one isn’t. Interesting stuff
Almost as if the agency knew how we couldn’t afford to stop training.

Trainees in the FAA didn’t get screwed over when you compare them to their counterparts in Canada working for NAVCANADA.
I don’t care. What NAVCANADA did had zero impact on me and the current state of the NAS. NATCAs decisions certainly have.
Almost as if the agency knew how we couldn’t afford to stop training.

I don’t care. What NAVCANADA did had zero impact on me and the current state of the NAS. NATCAs decisions certainly have.
What!? You don't care what America's HAT did during covid! I bet you don't even care what happened to the Hong Kong controllers or the controllers in Bangladesh! - NoThanks
Never said it was ok either. It’s pretty hard to train when facilities are combined to one position, and there’s no traffic. Then you check out people with zero skills and end up where people say the covid checkouts are terrible. Oh wait 🤔

Just like people compare pilot pay to atc pay. Apples to oranges

Let me guess. You pay .5% to your pension and bought a house in 2010 while getting assigned to your hometown lvl 12 Z and had a 2 month ERAM delay.
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