3rd Quarter 2017

While we wait, I'll tell y'all a story of a controller at my current facility. We'll call him Todd.

Todd was competing on an actual bid with another controller at our facility. Todd wasn't the most likeable controller. Todd was a fine controller, but widely known as an asshole.

With little shock, the other controller was selected for the position. Todd was so mad, he sent an email to the ATM of the gaining facility demanding to know why he was selected and wanted to know "what they were thinking" (quote from Todd's email).

Todd did not receive a response to his email. Todd snooped around, and found the personal cell phone number to the ATM. He then proceeded to call the ATM. The ATM answered, and said he would love to talk to Todd about it and that he would go over it with him when he got back to the facility on Monday. He excitedly told Todd to give him a call back on his office number. They hung up, and Todd just knew he would get to the bottom of this.

The weekend goes by, and Todd gets to the facility that Monday happy, and ready to give the ATM a piece of his mind. Todd calls the ATMs office number and the secretary answers.

"Hello, this is Todd, I was told by the ATM to call today to discuss why I wasn't selected."

"Uh, sorry sir there must be done mistake.'

"Mistake? No mistake, I was told to call."

"Sir, Friday was the ATMs last day at work. He retired."

Todd hangs up the phone. Deflated and defeated.

The end. 100% true story, by a boss ATM.
You are at JNU right? We (LEX) were supposed to get someone from there that never came.
I know we talked about I90 like 7 pages ago now, but does anyone have the info on how many eligible ERRs are in there - as in are there more ERRs than slots?? Trying to figure out my competition to get out of here. ....Them suddenly able to take like 25 people is gonna kill my chances.
I know we talked about I90 like 7 pages ago now, but does anyone have the info on how many eligible ERRs are in there - as in are there more ERRs than slots?? Trying to figure out my competition to get out of here. ....Them suddenly able to take like 25 people is gonna kill my chances.
If they have 30/40/50/60/etc. eligible ERRs, by the time the NCEPT actually gets down to them there's no way they will have more then 28 eligible ERRs left. If anyone at your facility has in for I90 and you're hoping to go to a facility after I90, the odds are significantly stacked against you at this point.
If they have 30/40/50/60/etc. eligible ERRs, by the time the NCEPT actually gets down to them there's no way they will have more then 28 eligible ERRs left. If anyone at your facility has in for I90 and you're hoping to go to a facility after I90, the odds are significantly stacked against you at this point.
unless you have more than 1 release. we have 3 releases and 0nly one has in to I90 I think.
It is almost comical watching you all try to figure this out. There are SO many moving parts it is impossible. Stop putting the added stress on yourself for no reason. Many of you are setting yourself up for disappointment because you think you have it figured out and it'll be wrong. Just wait another week and it'll all have sorted it self out.
It is almost comical watching you all try to figure this out. There are SO many moving parts it is impossible. Stop putting the added stress on yourself for no reason. Many of you are setting yourself up for disappointment because you think you have it figured out and it'll be wrong. Just wait another week and it'll all have sorted it self out.

It is almost comical watching you all try to figure this out. There are SO many moving parts it is impossible. Stop putting the added stress on yourself for no reason. Many of you are setting yourself up for disappointment because you think you have it figured out and it'll be wrong. Just wait another week and it'll all have sorted it self out.

Please, I'm reserved to the idea of not getting out. I expect that. I think most of us here just want to know what the likely chances are we can get out.
It is almost comical watching you all try to figure this out. There are SO many moving parts it is impossible. Stop putting the added stress on yourself for no reason. Many of you are setting yourself up for disappointment because you think you have it figured out and it'll be wrong. Just wait another week and it'll all have sorted it self out.
It'd be easy to do that if we were all sitting at a 12 TRACON in a desirable area ;)
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