February (Q2) 2024

If you have 17 cpcs in the building tomorrow when the numbers lock, you meet the 85% actual required to release. The question is whether or not the projected is 85% or above. If the guy that is becoming a supe was not projected to become a supe beforehand and it gets reflected tomorrow, the projected could fall below 85% and result in no releases.
If they have a FOL already, it should count against projected but not current.
Bloating the FLM numbers to keep the staffing just below release is what we call a pro gamer move. Mostly used in centers in areas that already have too many sups.
We hit 85% of staffing in December (17/20). This month, we found out one of our CPCs is becoming an OS at our facility, effective 1/28. Our NCEPT release from last year also just found out they are leaving in Feb instead of May. Should we be able to release this round or no? Any insight? At first we all thought no but with the SWB being updated yesterday and the CPC's sup role not effective until 1/28 plus NCEPT guy leaving in February, there has been some question about it. We do have 4 trainees as well and a CPC retiring next year.
Y’all’s selectee for NCEPT is getting hosed. Can’t release a CPC to in house supe before other outbound selections are gone
When is anyone going to realize the FAA just takes a sup every time you qualify. And there’s no shortage of sup applications cus it’s the only way to move
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